~ The fall of Eden ~
All beings are made from refractions of life- proportions of power. Before the system, life was different. The principle was same but its mechanism was different. Life was unbalanced and balanced consciously in life forms. Before the system, there was ecosystem. Purpose was served beautifully and flawlessly. Every being was formed as the active side of infinity and lived to reach infinity while in the active form of life itself. There was no rule of time and every being, so to say, took its own time to reach infinity and all beings reached it as a natural course. Encompassing all in each concentrated power. The amplified energy did not remain confined in their bodies, but bestowed to balance by abiotic procreation or symbiotic recreation. Content in infinity, recreation overtook procreation and the surroundings, unbound by dimensions of space, began to vibrate with the beings’ energy, reaching a resonance of infinity at a single instant with no discontent possible, resulting in an inward explosion. All creation disappeared. The explosion was all colossal with no chance for a sequential balancing, instantly, an equal negative was formed which could not be reconciled. The nascent power was polar opposite of what was omnipresent until then. The new power did not create any new life except into itself. The power was introverted. Polarization, where none existed before, automatically created the dimension of size and though the new power was considerably smaller, it had no rivals; in fact it was the rival.
Consequentially, the positive stirred again to create life forms again naturally and the negative was instantaneously pulled towards the activity and enveloped the emanation. Since with the birth of the negative a rule was born, it fostered new born beings with its own awareness- as a rule. The new beings were confined to it. The life principle of manifestation of life giving life or power giving power was still at work, but altered in mechanism. Manifestation in the negative confines became the fuel for its sustenance.
At first, the system of being awareness began to decline into degeneration, since, having adopted the introverted nature of the foster parent; there could be no perpetuation, which is by contrast extroverted. Thus the system was formed with time.
Now, Life is a force which is governed by the system. The system divides and rules living beings along sub systems called grids. It holds the essential awareness of a being in a cocoon of artificial awareness dividing it into the known and the unknown. The division is a flux. If the being’s installed awareness is denoted as vertex- known, the unknown varies from its self awareness, to subjective and objective awareness and to life awareness, which is the basic coordinate unknown. This division secures the being attention from deviating the grid.